Infant Acne

However, most newborn rashes are not a cause for alarm and typically go away on their own. We’ll cover the five most common newborn rashes, how to treat them, and when to seek your pediatrician’s help. 

Diaper rash is one of the most common skin conditions affecting newborn babies. It occurs when the skin is irritated by prolonged exposure to a wet or dirty diaper.


To treat diaper rash, change your baby’s diaper frequently so his or her skin is kept clean and dry. When you change their diaper, clean their bottom using a gentle, fragrance-free wipe. Pat dry or allow the skin to air dry. Apply a thick layer of diaper cream to their skin to protect it.

Baby Acne: What Is It, And What Causes It?

Milia typically clears up on its own within a few weeks and does not require treatment. Do not  pick at the bumps because it can cause scarring or infection. Avoid applying ointments or creams as they can also make it worse. 

It will appear much like regular acne, with small red bumps. Baby acne is caused by the transfer of maternal hormones before birth, but the acne doesn’t show until two to four weeks of age. It typically can last until four or six months of age. 

This newborn rash will go away on its own and no treatment is needed. Baby oils or ointment often make it worse, so it’s best to be left alone. 

Things To Know About Newborn Acne

The newborn rash typically appears on the second or third day of life. It can appear on any part of the body, except the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet. It will look like red blotches about 1/2 to 1 inch across and will have a yellow or white pimple-like center. The rash can look similar to swollen insect bites. 

This condition is not serious and will clear up on its own around 1-2 weeks of age. Do not apply ointments, oils, or creams as it can make the rash worse. 

This rash looks like raised patches with small, red bumps. When milk or spit-up gets trapped in skin folds or sits for prolonged periods while a baby sleeps, it can irritate the skin.

Baby Acne Vs. Rash: How To Tell The Difference

To prevent this rash, pat dry the baby’s skin after feedings and check the neck folds for moisture. If your baby has already developed a rash, you can gently rinse the face with water and pat dry after feedings. 

Sometimes a rash can be a sign of a more serious health concern. If the rash is accompanied by a fever, is spreading quickly, or if your baby looks or acts abnormally, it’s best to contact your provider at Pediatrics West immediately. Other signs that require immediate medical attention is when the rash looks infected, is painful to touch, or has developed into blisters. 

Trust your gut, and contact our office at (720) 284-3700 if you’re concerned or unsure of how to treat your newborn’s rash.

Skincare For Babies: Ask The Expert

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Learn about our Covid-19 safety procedures | Click here for our Covid-19 vaccine consent form Both locations will be closed Saturday, July 1st and Tuesday, July 4th for the 4th of July holiday.All What to Expect content that addresses health or safety is medically reviewed by a team of vetted health professionals. OurMedicalReview Board includes OB/GYNs, pediatricians, infectious disease specialists, doulas, lactation counselors, endocrinologists, fertility specialists and more.


If you thought adolescent skin was exclusively for teens, think again! Here's what causes baby acne and what you can do about it.

Things To Know About Pediatric Acne

Does your infant have more pimples than an eighth grader? Just when she seems ready for her close-up — head rounding out nicely, eyes less puffy and squinty — baby acne might be next. This pimply preview of puberty is incredibly common, usually beginning at 2 to 3 weeks of age and affecting about 20 percent of all newborns. Trusted Source American Academy of Dermatology Is That Acne on My Baby's Face? See All Sources

Believe it or not, as with adolescent acne, hormones are believed to be to blame. In the case of newborns, however, it's not their own hormones that are probably prompting the pimple problems, but their moms' — which are still circulating in the bloodstream as a holdover from pregnancy. Trusted Source Mayo Clinic Baby Acne See All Sources

These maternal hormones stimulate a baby's oil-producing glands, causing pimples to pop up on the chin, forehead, eyelids and cheeks, and, sometimes, the head, neck, back and upper chest.

Baby Acne: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatment

What's more, the pores in a baby's skin are not yet fully developed, making them easy targets for infiltration by dirt and subsequent blemishes. And babies typically have very sensitive skin — some more than others — which can also play a part.How to get rid of baby acne

While it's possible to confuse infant acne with that other common newborn skin condition, milia, the two aren't the same. Baby acne looks like red pimples, while milia are tiny white bumps or whiteheads. But you need to treat both conditions the same: with washing, watching and waiting.


There are also a number of skin rashes and other skin conditions in newborn babies — which, unlike newborn acne, are often itchy and uncomfortable for your little one and tend to spread beyond the face. A few of the most common:

Is Baby Acne A Real Thing? Know All About It!

Baby acne usually clears anywhere from a few weeks after she's born to the time she's about 3 to 4 months old — which happens to be a terrific time to schedule those professional pics — leaving that beautiful baby skin you've been waiting for in its place.

And just in case you're already worrying about your little one being teased in middle school, know that baby acne doesn't leave permanent scars like the grown-up version can, and it doesn't predict future teen acne problems.When to call the doctor

Baby acne almost always goes away on its own with no intervention. But bring it to your pediatrician's attention if the bumps look like they might be infected; for example, her skin appears extra red, you notice swelling or discharge, your child spikes a fever or has other symptoms. Also check in with the doctor if you suspect an allergic reaction or eczema, which may require a cream to keep the rash from spreading.

How Long Does Baby Acne Last?

. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy.Rashes, pimples and spots are very common in little babies, and sometimes very different conditions can look pretty similar. So how can you tell what’s what?

The first thing to say is that if you’re worried about a baby, especially under one year old, you should always talk to a doctor. No one is going to think you’re wasting their time, becse little babies need careful attention when they’re so young. Any rash accompanied by fever should be checked out as soon as possible, but you can consult your doctor about any skin issue, even when unexplained spots appear without a fever.


About 20% of newborns develop neonatal acne, which appears on the face, chest, back and neck, often when the baby is about two weeks old, and looks like little pimples and spots. If it persists, or starts after the baby is six weeks old, it’s called infantile acne. It can last for a few weeks, months or even years.

Does Treating Baby Acne With Breast Milk Work?

Childhood eczema is also very common in babies and young children, and can also manifest as spots and pimples, but is much more likely to be accompanied by itchiness, sore patches and inflammation. It’s an inflammatory condition associated with a fragile skin barrier, resulting in dry or cracked skin.

If your baby develops eczema, they will need to have emollients applied regularly to keep the skin hydrated and nourished, and you’ll have to identify the triggers that cse a flare-up, whether that’s pet hair, dust mites, detergent, food, soap or other toiletries.

Infantile acne should eventually clear up on its own. We don’t recommend any particular products to ‘treat’ it, except not to use grown-up acne products, don't pick the spots, and to stick to very gentle, soap-free, scent-free skincare.

How To Get Rid Of Baby Acne? 3 Moms Share What Worked

To help manage flare ups of childhood eczema, first identify triggers (whether in diet, environment, toiletries, or detergents) and then find an unfragranced emollient for frequent application. For more information about managing eczema, see Top Tips for Managing Childhood Eczema in our Info Hub.