Acne Cure Diet

It’s sunscreen season, and as you’d expect, there are lots of sunscreen articles coming out, full of common myths. I’ve debunked a lot of myths about sunscreens before – sunscreens are toxic, you can make your own sunscreen – but this time I’m going to focus on incorrect advice from trusted media sources. These myths tend to be a bit …

More beauty brands are talking about sustainability, but there’s a lot of greenwashing. In the last installment we talked about the impact of producing natural ingredients and after they go into the environment, as well as organic versus conventional farming. In this part, Jen of The Eco Well and I are breaking down myths about synthetic ingredients made from petroleum …


Beauty brands are talking a lot more about sustainability and the environment, and it makes sense. Climate change is a huge problem, and most of us don’t want to make things worse. But beauty marketing is full of false promises and meaningless buzzwords. What’s actually better for the environment, and what’s just feelgood fluff? Well… a lot of it is …

Can You Cure Acne With Diet?

Lots of people say you have to use sulfate-free shampoo to avoid damaging or stripping your hair.There also people who say you have to use shampoo with sulfates to get your hair clean. They are both wrong. I’ve been paying more attention to hair science info on the internet lately. There are a lot of completely wrong explanations, and strong …

Korean sunscreens have gotten really popular because they’re so lightweight and comfortable to wear. Here’s my favourite in each category: chemical, physical, hybrid, lightweight, and stick. The video is here, keep scrolling for the text version… Korean sunscreens are known for being very lightweight “commuter” sunscreens for everyday wear. They have really nice textures and sit nicely under makeup.They’re generally …

Sunscreen sticks are really convenient, but it’s difficult to measure out how much you need to apply, or whether you’ve applied enough. So I decided to put them to the test! I recently did a few investigations of sunscreen sticks. I tried to work out: How much protection you’re getting with reasonable amounts of sunscreen sticks How much you would …

Super Fast Cure For Acne Diet And Cookbook By Joseph Newburg

I recently ranked the top products mentioned in the /r/SkincareAddiction subreddit, and a lot of people asked me to rank the top products from the /r/AsianBeauty subreddit too. I thought this would be interesting because the list is very different in vibe. AsianBeauty is also very text-based, so there’s still a big focus on what works (no one likes to …

There’s tons of misinformation on the dangers of sunscreen on social media, and it seems like all of the myths make the rounds each time a new platform emerges. Currently the trending platform is TikTok. Even though sunscreen safety is a topic I’ve covered many times, it repeatedly comes up in many different flavours. I’ll break down the misinformation in …

Hi! I'm Michelle, chemistry PhD, science educator and cosmetic chemist, and I'm here to help you figure out which beauty products are and aren't worth buying, using science.If you have acne, avoiding certain foods may help.This certainly won't work for everybody, but some people have been helped with an acne detox diet. This page provides more details on foods to avoid.

Know The Link Between Acne And Diet

If avoiding certain foods can help your skin, can eating more of other foods help? We don't have the same level of evidence to say for certain that specificfoods will help in the treatment of acne. Having said that, though, there are a few promising human studies, and there are many promising laboratory studies. Since these foods have many other health benefits, I recommend adding more of them to your diet.


Fiber from fruits and vegetables: eating more foods that are naturally rich in fiber may help The main foods I recommend eating more of arethose that are naturally high in fiber. This includes more fruits and vegetables. Focusing on foods that are rich in fiber also means replacing refined carbohydrates (such as white bread) with whole grains, suchas old-fashioned oats, brown rice, bulgur, and others. Why do I consider fiber (the kind that's naturally found in foods) such an important nutrient for patients with acne? First, foods that are high in fiber naturally act to stabilize blood sugar levels. Whenever you eat a meal, your food is digested and broken down for energy. That means that your blood sugar will naturally rise after a meal. Ideally, you want a slow, steady rise in blood sugar.Fiber does that well; it slows down the release of blood sugar into your bloodstream, and keeps those levels steady.

What happens if you eat a meal with little or no fiber? Like a big bowl of mac and cheese? Without any fiber, your blood sugar is more likely to spike to high levels. Those spikes can then trigger a rise in certain hormones that can lead to acne.

How To Get Rid Of Acne: The Ultimate Cure Guide For How To Overcome Your Acne

Other nutrients can help slow down those sugar spikes, including protein and fat. But fiber is a favorite, because it works so well ANDbecause it has other important roles. One of the most important is keeping a healthy gut.

Another reason to eat more foods that are naturally rich in fiber: good gut microbes love fiber, and good gut microbes help reduce skin inflammation


A healthy gut is important for your overall health and for your skin health. That's becaue yourgut actually contains trillions of microbes. Many of these are considered good microbes, because they help us in many ways. Some have been shown to help calm down inflammation in the skin. Foods that are rich in fiber do a great job of feedingthe good microbes, which is just one of the reasons that fruits and vegetables are considered so important for healthy skin.

Student With Painful Cystic Acne Says Diet And Yoga Helped Control It

Probiotics are also being studied in acne. Probiotics are good microbes that you consume, either via foods (such as yogurt with live active cultures) or via supplements. In one small study, volunteers who consumed a probiotic supplement daily for 4 weeks had an improvement in their acne. [ Jung 2013 ] Antioxidants: eating more foods rich in antioxidants may help reduce the skin damage from free radicals

Acne is due to inflammation of the skin. That inflammation is visible: many acnepatients develop red inflamed bumps, or even pus-filled bumps (pustules), on their face, chest, and back. That's why researchers have studiedtreatments that reduce inflammation. Some of the inflammation in acne is due to free radicals such as reactive oxygen species. These are molecules that can cause damage to the DNA, proteins, and cell membranesin our skin. In acne, some of our ownimmune cells actually produce some of these free radicals. We know that this causes damage; patients with acne actually have higher blood levels of a chemical that measuresthe level of oxidative damage. How do you quench thedamaging effects of these free radicals? One potential way is by consuming more antioxidants via your foods. A number of laboratory and animal studies have supported the use of antioxidants in fighting the inflammation in acne. Human studies are limited, though, so more research is definitely needed in this area.

Because of this promising data, though, I strongly recommend foods that are naturally rich in antioxidants. This includes more fruits and vegetables. It also includes other great sources of antioxidants that you may not think about, including herbs, spices, and green tea. Zinc and acne: why more red kidney beans may be a good thing for your skin


Acne Diet Cookbook: Essential Meal Recipes To Cure Whiteheads, Blackheads And Other Types Of Pimples On The Skin (paperback)

Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in many of your body's functions. That's because zinc acts as a cofactor (a necessary ingredient) for many of the enzymes that control the vital processes of the human body.

Zinc is also known to have several powerful anti-inflammatory effects. In laboratory studies, zinc has helped stopthe movement of certain inflammatory cells. In other studies, it's helped reduce the production ofinflammatory cytokines, which are chemical messengers that play a role in promoting skininflammation.

Researchers have studied this question. Some studies have found that patients with acne actually have low levels of zinc in their bloodstream. Because of this, researchers have conducted studies of zinc supplements for the treatment of acne.

Acne Treatment: How Instagrammer Saved Her Skin

The results? Some of these studies did find that zinc was helpful, and in some cases the results were even similar to taking antibiotics by mouth. BUT there are still too many unknowns in this area. For one thing, some of the studies hadserious flaws. Some gave patients supplements of zinc, but didn't take into account how much zinc these individuals were consuming through their diet. (As I discuss later on, there are several foods that are known to be great sources of zinc.)


In this case, there are still too many unknowns in this area for us to recommend zinc supplements without a thorough knowledge of your medical history and possibly testing. There are other important considerations also: there are several different forms of zinc, and several different dosages that have been studied. In some forms, and at some dosages, patients have experienced some notable GI side effects, including nausea