Cystic Acne Picture

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There are so many causes and contributors for chronic cystic acne, which can’t just be treated through a round of antibiotics. Liz is very passionate about sharing her story.


Meet Liz. A shining light who openly and honestly spoke to me about her experience with chronic cystic acne. At at 12, she started seeing pimples pop up onto her face, which got her really fixated on how she looked. She went to the GP, and they prescribed her antibiotics, which cleared not only her skin, but the good and bad bacteria from her gut. Not long after, the pimples came back, and she was subscribed the pill. If you’re knowable about the gut and western meds, you’ll know this can be a recipe for disaster for some people.

Treatments For Cystic Acne

Acne affects 85% of Australians 15-24 year olds and occurs when a hair follicle and its oil gland become blocked and inflamed. This provides an ideal environment for bacteria to grow and cause the skin to become irritated, red and tender. Cystic acne is a severe type of acne where pores in the skin become blocked, leading to infection and inflammation. The skin reaction causes swelling deep in the skin’s middle layer (the dermis). This infected, red, swollen lump is an acne cyst. You can experience this on your back, bum, chest, neck, shoulders and upper arms, where they are usually painful and tender to touch.

“It’s not just a skin condition. Yes, you can see what’s on the outside, but it’s most likely a visible symptom of what’s happening on the inside.”

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What Is Cystic Acne? Learn The Symptoms & Treatment Options

Just recently Liz shaved her head to raise money for charity. She is now on a positive journey to look after her body holistically and educate others to love the skin you’re in.If you’ve got tender, inflamed pimples rooted deep underneath the surface of your skin, chances are you have cystic acne. This type of inflammatory pimple is one of the most severe, with the potential to cause long term scarring. Acne cysts can be chronic or infrequent, and may or may not eventually emerge at the skin’s surface.

In order to learn more about why cystic acne develops — and exactly how to treat it — we talked to the expert: Dr. Sandra Lee, aka Dr. Pimple Popper.

Figuring out what type of acne you’re experiencing is important for tailoring the most effective treatment. Cysts are a type of inflammatory acne — pimples that start out as clogged pores (aka non-inflammatory acne) but become infected with

The Best Cystic Acne Treatments In 2023, According To Dermatologists

Papules and pustules are more superficial, originating in skin's outermost layer (aka the epidermis). Nodules and cysts are deeper areas of inflammation located in the dermis.

Acne cysts resemble papules and pustules, though as we mentioned they’re deeper beneath the skin’s surface. They’re also much less common than papules and pustules. Here are the main characteristics of cystic acne:

All acne begins when pores clog with excess oil and dead skin cells. This provides a breeding ground for acne bacteria that's normally present on the skin’s surface. Though scientists aren’t sure why, some people seem more susceptible to this bacterial infection than others.

Cystic Acne Treatment In Phoenix, Az

According to Dr. Lee, there are a variety of treatments for cystic acne, depending on your individual circumstances. Though everyone’s skin is unique, here’s a rough guide. If you're experiencing frequent cystic breakouts, or any type of scarring, see your dermatologist.

Once-in-a-while painful, deep pimples are typically hormonal in nature and tend to pop up in similar spots along the jawline and/or T-zone. Keep breakouts in check by maintaining a consistent skincare routine that includes:

Managing inflammatory pimples requires a comprehensive approach that addresses each stage of acne. Keep consistent with salicylic acid and retinol (plus a spot treatment when needed), but add one of these antimicrobial acne-fighters to your routine:

Student With Painful Cystic Acne Says Diet And Yoga Helped Control It

To take the guesswork out of managing acne, Dr. Lee created easy-to-follow skincare regimens formulated for all skin types. SLMD Acne System is a 3-step, twice-a-day routine that uses proven ingredients like salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and retinol. If you’ve got sensitive skin, try sulfur instead, as part of SLMD Sensitive Skin Acne System.


If you’ve been diligently following a regimen like Acne System for at least 12 weeks and haven’t seen improvement (or if you're worried about scarring), it’s time to consult with a dermatologist. Inflammatory acne left unchecked can have long term repercussions — causing permanent scarring and psychological damage. Your doctor can prescribe more potent treatments, including:

News flash: you should never pick or pop an acne cyst — even when they have that oh-so-tempting white head on them. These types of pimples are full of fluid, including bacteria and pus, that will just spread and create more acne. Irritating a pimple also encourages hyperpigmentation or even permanent scarring.

Cystic Acne: Causes, Symptoms, & Medical Treatment

Cystic acne can be a source of frustration and discomfort for patients. Not only can it damage skin and leave permanent scars — it can also contribute to low self-esteem and depression. But there are solutions, from targeted spot treatments to over-the-counter regimens like my 

SLMD Acne System that uses potent dermatological ingredients. And if your acne persists, your dermatologist can help you with prescription options. Remember, be kind to yourself and know that your acne doesn’t define you.Struggling with those large, red and painful breakouts on your skin? Cystic acne, which is the most severe form of acne, must be dealt with seriously. The inflammatory condition requires medical intervention.

Our skin consists of sebaceous glands, which produce sebum (natural oil). When excess sebum is produced, it leads to clogged pores. This creates an environment for bacteria (P. acnes) to thrive, which in turn leads to the development of cysts in the deepest layers of the skin. [1]

Nodular Acne: Symptoms, Treatment, Scarring, And More

Although most acne is related to adolescent age, it can develop at a later stage in life too. The following factors trigger cystic acne: [2]

Cystic acne is most common in people with oily skin. It is also common in teens, women and anyone with hormonal imbalances.


The condition can affect your face, chest, back, upper arms and shoulders. It is prevalent in the lower half of women’s faces.

Cystic Acne Explained: Causes, Symptoms, And Treatments

Since cystic acne is the most severe kind of acne, it requires a dermatologist intervention. According to your condition, your doctor may suggest a treatment method or combination therapy. Here are some medical treatment options:

Benzoyl peroxide functions by reducing the bacteria causing cystic acne and thereby reducing inflammation [3]. It can be used in concentrations of 2.5 - 10 %. It comes in the form of cleansers and bars, lotions, creams and gels.

Benzoyl peroxide has a tendency to dry out your skin. Make sure you know your skin type and then use the right concentration of benzoyl peroxide.

How Cystic Acne Is Different From Regular Acne

A derivative of Vitamin A, Isotretinoin can be taken in the form of tablets [4]. This is one of the most effective forms of treating cystic acne. Isotretinoin shows results in 6-8 months of usage.

Although it is very effective, it can have some side effects like mood swings, inflammatory bowel syndrome, bruising, skin inflammation, urine in blood, headaches and muscle pains.

Topical retinoids are also recommended for cystic acne, even though they do not carry the same power as oral retinoids. They come in the form of creams, gels and lotions.


How To Treat Cystic Acne At Home

Topical retinoids can make your skin red and make it susceptible to sunburn. Using a sunscreen is a good idea when you are on topical retinoids.

Triamcinolone is a corticosteroid [6] that can be directly injected into the cyst to reduce inflammation and soothe cystic acne. This treatment is done by a certified dermatologist.

You can’t pop oral contraceptives to cure cystic acne if you are a smoker, have blood clots or are planning a pregnancy.

Woman Whose Cystic Acne Left Her In 'extreme Pain' And Suicidal Finds 'life Changing' Treatment

Incision and draining the cyst is another way to treat it. Make sure you get it done under the supervision of a dermatologist.

A. Cleanse: Wash your face twice a day in the morning and night to remove all the dirt, makeup residue and excess oils from your face. Make sure to use a gentle cleanser and not scrub too much, which can aggravate cystic acne.

B. Moisturize: Hydrate your skin and let your oily skin repair its natural barrier with a good moisturizer. Make sure it is non comedogenic and oil free so that it does not clog your pores further.

Cystic Acne: Dermatologists Explain Causes And Tips To Treat It

C. Never Sleep With Your Makeup On: No matter how tired you are, make sure to remove your makeup before hitting the bed. Also stick to non-comedogenic and oil-free makeup.


D. Sunscreen: Wear sunscreen before stepping out as this can protect your skin