Yasmin Acne

Now I’m getting back into blogging a bit more regularly, I thought it was about time I did an Acne Update. If you haven’t seen my other posts related to this check them out here.

The last time I posted about my skin was in April, since then I changed my contraceptive pill, and my skin went haywire! So I came off that and wanted to go back to my original Yasmin pill, which I did. Whilst at the doctors, I asked to be referred to a Dermatologist. Well, can I say it was the best thing I’ve ever done! I have been to a Dermatologist before but she was awful, just giving a me a cream to try, no explanations of why she had chosen that treatment, what it would do or what results to expect.


The new Dermatologist was the opposite. He explained that I could go onto a slightly stronger combination of treatments to try and combat the few causes and symptoms of the acne. I was put on to a Lymecycline antibiotic and a benzoyl peroxide gel alongside my Yasmin pill.

Help! Is Yasmin Causing Me To Break Out?

By using the gel, I totally stripped back any other products. I knew that with it being a peroxide, it would naturally encourage my skin to shed/exfoliate itself. So I now haven’t exfoliated properly for around 5 months. My routine is still Clarins Cottonseed Gentle Foaming Cleanser (purely to remove my makeup), followed by Darphin Aromatic Cleansing Balm, (It’s not my favourite, but I have used it up. I’ll go back to a Jennifer Young one next.) I then follow with Estée Lauder Advanced Night Repair before the Benzoyl Peroxide Gel. At first I also used Clarins UV+ High Protection SPF 40, because the peroxide and antibiotic both make the skin sun sensitive, but it irritated my skin on top of the gel, so I now just go straight in with my foundation, which also has an SPF so my skin is protected.

The first couple of weeks using the gel were quite uncomfortable, my skin would sting and itch when I applied it. But within days I saw improvements and after around 3 to 4 weeks I had seen a marked difference in the condition of my skin.  It was smoother, far less red, and I wasn’t getting daily breakouts. At week three I got some quite uncomfortable spots just under my jawline, one of which was very painful, and I have to confess, I tried to squeeze it!

I did manage to get some ‘stuff’ out of it, but it is not a good idea to pick spots like that!!

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Here I’ve inserted a few pictures to show you how far I’ve come in just a few months.  The last images were taken last week, and when I scrolled through my Camera Roll, I actually thought I was wearing foundation! That’s the biggest result for me and I’m so happy.

I’m sure anyone who has had acne can appreciate how good it feels when your skin is finally playing ball!! I’m heading back to the dermatologist in December and at that point I will have been on the treatment for six months.  It will be interesting to see what advice I’m given for coming off the treatment, and how my skin will be once I am off it.  I will update as I feel is necessary, but if you’d like me to talk about anything else to do with my acne, please comment below.  I love to hear what other people are doing to help their skin and how their journey has been in comparison to mine.A WOMAN who never had a single pimple until she took birth control pills that caused her face to break out in cystic acne so severe that it affected her sight.

Office management assistant, Mina Stein, 20, from Frankfurt, Germany, has struggled with acne for the past two years after birth control pills triggered a change in her skin.

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She began taking birth control pills in 2018 and acne was not listed as a side effect – this has since changed.

Mina developed acne as soon as she started taking the pills. It started out with a few faint pimples but a few months later, Mina was suffering from painful cysts, swelling of the face, and rosacea – a condition causing redness in the skin.

Mina explained: “I wasn’t aware acne was a side effect of the birth control pills as it was never mentioned in the packaging insert.

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“It started developing immediately. At first, I got red bumps under the skin on my cheeks and a few pimples on my forehead.

“Then the pimples became more painful and my face would swell. I developed cysts and rosacea. I switched birth control pills but it wouldn’t go away. It only got worse.”


Dermatologists were dismissive and Mina would often consider cancelling plans with friends for fear of appearing in photos or being judged for her acne.

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She added: “It definitely influenced my confidence. I didn’t want to look in the mirror or be in photos – or even look anyone in the eye.

“I cried a lot. I’d never had skin issues before so I felt totally overwhelmed. At the time, some of my friends were abroad and I was so worried about what they’d say when they came back.”

The cysts began to bleed and bruise causing blue patches to appear, and the pain was so bad that Mina struggled to sleep comfortably.

What Causes Post Pill Acne? — The Clinic Skin Health

She continued: “By that stage, it was very much a rollercoaster. Some days my acne would look better and then worse again the next.

“My cysts began to bruise and I’d cry if anything touched them as they were so painful. They’d bleed when I washed my face.


“I developed really dry skin which really affected my eyes. I thought I needed glasses as it affected my eyesight, but eyedrops managed it.

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The skincare brand, Paula’s Choice, alleviates her symptoms the best by reducing dryness and soreness. Despite changing birth control pills four times, Mina’s acne problem has only worsened.

During a trip to the supermarket, a young girl standing by Mina turned to her mum and asked “what does that girl have on her face?”

Initially shocked by the comment, Mina explained acne to the young girl and it soon became a turning point in Mina’s outlook.

Hormonal Cystic Acne Sufferer

She joined the acne positivity community on Instagram in August 2019 and felt infinitely more confident after posting her first bare-faced selfie.

Since posting bare-faced selfies on Instagram, Mina has been able to regain her confidence. Not only that, but many other acne sufferers have reached out to Mina for advice and support.


“I remember being in a supermarket and a little girl, who was about three-years-old, asked her mum what I had on my face. I explained what acne was to her and after that, she didn’t seem to mind – and in fact, started showing me her sweets, ” she said.

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“After that, I started my Instagram account where I began to post about self-love. I’d been following similar accounts for a few months and loved seeing other people's improvements in their skin.

“I was so proud of myself after taking my first bare-faced selfie and I felt a lot stronger. Now I receive so many messages from people thanking me for my posts or empowering me to keep going.

“The messages are from people all over the world so it makes you feel less alone. My followers even tag me in their own bare-faced photos which I love.

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“Treat yourself the way you treat others. We need to stop criticising how we look and compliment ourselves instead. Everyone is uniquely beautiful and should remember that.”