Rid Of Acne

One of the most Googled questions on every girl's phone is - how to get rid of acne. This is further proof that acne is a common skin concern, but it does not change the fact that pimples, breakouts and acne can be a traumatic experience on an individual level. Going to bed with flawless skin and waking up to acne is a nightmare all of us have experienced. There are many products, tricks and at-home treatments to get rid of acne, but how many of them actually work? Not many. Therefore we decided to consult cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Mrunal Shah Modi, Owner & Director - Shine Skin, Hair & Laser Clinic, Mumbai to tell us all about it.

The first question that pretty much every person has is why do we get acne? In order to learn about how to get rid of acne, it is important to first understand the reasons behind it. Therefore, that’s the first question we asked Dr. Modi, and here’s what she had to say:


“There are a lot of reasons we get acne, our skin is a reflection of our body, diet and environment.” Below are 10 of the most common reasons for acne.

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Sebum is a waxy, oily substance naturally produced by your body to keep your skin moisturized. However, in some people, these glands produce excess oil and this blocks the follicles along with dirt and impurities leading to acne.

Increased androgen levels in the body can make the oil glands go into overdrive, causing the skin to produce more sebum, leading to acne.

A lot of medicines can also cause acne, hormonal tablets, medicines that contain lithium, steroids, androgens, etc. are all contributing factors to acne. Sometimes using the wrong face creams, especially those containing steroids cause steroidal acne.

Diy Remedies To Get Rid Of Acne

Another factor that causes acne flare-up is stress and unhealthy sleeping habits. Both can wreak havoc in the normal functioning of the body.

Hot and humid weather is the perfect environment for acne-causing bacteria to thrive. Sweat, oil and impurities often lead to acne on the face as well as other parts of the body.

A lot of women get an acne flare-up just a week prior to their menses, this again happens due to the hormonal fluctuations in the body. Heavy cosmetics -

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Heavy makeup and skincare products can block the pores and cause acne. Sharing makeup, not washing the makeup brushes, sleeping or exercising with makeup on can also lead to acne.

Smoking constricts the flow of oxygen in your cells, this causes a lot of skin problems including acne. Alcohol, on the other hand, increases heat in the body and leads to acne.

Not all acne are the same, and to learn how to get rid of acne, understanding the types is also important. Here’s what Dr. Modi has to say, “In medical terms, we divide acne into four major categories - papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

The Ultimate Guide To Getting Rid Of Acne

Depending on the severity of acne, it is classified as grade 1 acne and severe nodulocystic acne goes up to grade 4-5.”

Acne treatment takes a while to show results, so anything that promises overnight improvement won’t actually work. While looking for ways on how to get rid of acne, there are two approaches that one can take - home remedies and in-office treatments.

A naturally soothing and calming ingredient, aloe vera accelerates the healing process of both acne and acne scars, thereby reducing inflammation and giving you flawless skin.

How To Get Rid Of Acne & Pimples Without Causing A Breakout

A lot of natural products developed for the treatment of acne contain tea tree oil as their main ingredient. So, if you are wondering how to get rid of acne, this might be the solution. It can be topically applied along with a carrier oil to heal acne. The antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of tea tree oil fight acne-causing bacteria and reduce redness/inflammation.


ACV is slightly acidic in nature and fights many types of bacteria and viruses. It helps heal acne as well as the scar that is often left behind by the acne.

Brimming with antioxidants, both honey and cinnamon are effective in reducing acne. Since these ingredients also have the ability to fight bacteria, they offer quick relief from acne.

Pitted Acne Scars: How They Happen And How To Get Rid Of Them

An effective and long-term method to treat acne is by opting for an in-office treatment at a certified dermatologist’s office. If you want to know how to remove acne, here are a few treatments recommended by Dr. Modi.

Grade 1 acne is treated with salicylic acid and lactic acid cleanser. Night creams containing adapalene, clindamycin, benzoyl peroxide creams are advised.

For grade 2 acne, where there are mild pustules, sometimes oral antibiotics like doxycycline or azithromycin or minocycline are given in addition to the above creams and cleansers.

What Causes Acne And How To Get Rid Of Them?

Fruit acid peels like glycolic peels, salicylic peels give good results. Cleanups are done after steaming the skin and all blackheads and whiteheads are removed.

Effective treatment for acne pigmentation and it gives good results. This treatment is also called skin polishing, where superficial damaged pigmented skin is removed using aluminum oxide crystals.


Along with oral antibiotics, a vitamin A derivative like isotretinoin helps control oil production. Weekly chemical or fruit acid peels are done to reduce the acne. After the acne settles down scar treatment is started.

How To Get Rid Of Pimples Fast: 18 Dos & Don'ts Of Fighting Acne

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How To Get Rid Of Acne Stars

Mercey Livingston is a health and wellness writer and certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. She's written about fitness and wellness for Well+Good, Women's Health, Business Insider, and Prevention.com among others. When not writing, she enjoys reading and trying out workout classes all over New York City.

Acne can be painful and confusing to figure out -- here's what a dermatologist says you can do to help fix it. Getty Images

Most of us have experienced acne at some point in life. Whether that's in teenage years, adulthood or beyond -- time does not make the issue feel any better. The annoying red bumps, painful cysts, scarring and sensitivity is not fun and can really put a damper on your day or self-esteem in general.


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Since acne is so common, there's a lot of information out there about why it happens, how to treat it and what products you should use. To cut through the noise and get some clarity on the issue, I asked Dr. Caren Campbell, a board-certified dermatologist, for the rundown on why acne happens, and what you can do about it. Keep reading to find out more about the causes of acne, and what you can do to treat and prevent it.

Acne is a skin condition that causes whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts to form on the skin. This commonly happens on the face, but it can occur on other places on your body like your back or chest.

Even though acne can be caused by several factors, the most common cause is hormones. The driving force behind most acne is androgen hormones (aka testosterone) which drives oil production. This is why acne starts at adolescence with puberty. The increased oil on the skin creates a hospitable environment for the acne-causing bacteria to overgrow, Campbell says.

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Another contributing factor to acne is clogged pores. Dead skin cells also clog the pore, and other skincare products we put on the skin that are comedogenic (pore-clogging), and then oil, dead skin cells, product and acne bacteria are all in the pore. The body doesn't like this collection of skin cells, oil and bacteria and sends inflammatory cells (white blood cells) to the site, causing painful, pus-filled lesions -- cystic acne, Campbell says.

Adhering to a basic skincare routine can help prevent it, but because acne is a multifaceted issue, skincare alone often is not enough to solve the issue -- especially if it's severe. If your acne is difficult to treat or comes back time and time again, it may also be worth looking into your diet.

Processed foods, fried foods and foods with high amounts of sugar can contribute to underlying inflammation, which can trigger acne. Studies show that diets with a high glycemic load, or diets that include a lot of starch and sugar are linked to acne. Studies on the relationship between dairy consumption and acne have pointed to dairy as a potential cause. But, as this study points out, the research can't distinguish whether it is due to the dairy itself or the hormones in milk.

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